WingFarm & EAPA-FSN Discuss Youth in Agriculture at #WorldFoodDay

WingFarm & EAPA-FSN

As part of the worldwide celebration of #WorldFoodDay, WingFarm proudly hosted a delegation from the Eastern Africa Parliamentary Alliance for Food Security & Nutrition (EAPA-FSN) at our model farm. This momentous occasion coincided with the conclusion of the 5th EAPA-FSN Assembly, a crucial platform for parliamentarians across East Africa to discuss and address critical food security challenges in the region.

During the visit, a rich dialogue unfolded, centering on strategies to engage more young people in agriculture as a pathway to enhanced food security. The discussions highlighted the critical role that youth play in shaping the future of agriculture and the urgent need to address the challenges they face in accessing land, resources, and markets.

Key areas of focus included:

  • Promoting youth-friendly agricultural policies and programs: The need for policies that create an enabling environment for young farmers, including access to land, finance, technology, and training.
  • Building entrepreneurial skills and mindsets among youth: Equipping young people with the necessary skills and knowledge to become successful agricultural entrepreneurs.
  • Leveraging technology and innovation: Exploring how digital technologies and innovative solutions can empower young farmers to increase productivity and profitability.
  • Creating role models and mentorship opportunities: Connecting young farmers with successful mentors who can provide guidance and support.
  • Addressing gender disparities in agriculture: Ensuring that young women have equal access to opportunities and resources in the agricultural sector.

WingFarm’s model farm served as a tangible example of how technology and innovation can be harnessed to empower young farmers. The delegation witnessed firsthand the farm’s impressive use of vertical farming, hydroponics, and other cutting-edge technologies to optimize resource utilization and maximize yield.

Furthermore, the visit showcased WingFarm’s commitment to youth engagement through its various initiatives, including training programs, workshops, and mentorship opportunities. These programs aim to equip young people with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the agricultural sector.

The dialogue at WingFarm concluded with renewed momentum and a shared commitment to working together to support young farmers and unlock their potential. EAPA-FSN pledged to continue advocating for policies and programs that support youth engagement in agriculture, while WingFarm reaffirmed its dedication to providing young farmers with the resources and opportunities they need to thrive.

As the world celebrates World Food Day, we are reminded of the crucial role that young people play in ensuring a food-secure future for all. By investing in young farmers and empowering them to reach their full potential, we can build a more sustainable and equitable food system for generations to come.

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