Wing Farm: Ending Poverty and hunger

Wingfarm in Turkana County

Globally, more than 700 million people live in extreme poverty and hunger and they find it very hard to support a healthy livelihood. Poverty has various manifestations and these include; hunger and malnutrition, poor health, inadequate or lack of access to education, social discrimination & exclusion, increased morbidity & mortality from illnesses, poor housing, and unsafe environments. Studies have shown that Agriculture can play a critical role in eliminating poverty and ensuring we have a hunger-free society. As a result, Wing Farm is dedicated to eradicating poverty and hunger in Kenya through its programs.

Who are we?

Wing Farm is a non-governmental organization registered under the NGO Act in Kenya’s constitution. All our members are volunteers who are dedicated to helping us achieve our goals. 

We began our Journey in 2022 and we are currently working with farmers in three counties. We are working with more than 200 farmers and the number is rising steadily as we target more counties.

We target smallholder farmers in Kenya, where we train and offer them current information about innovative solutions and technologies that will help them to produce food sustainably and earn a better living from farming. We work for a better society free from poverty and hunger .

We are a diversified team, made up of people from different regions, cultures, and ways of thinking. Nonetheless, we have been unified by our goals. We support farmers and youth as they mobilize and envision an economically sustainable future through Agricultural Extension, Research, and Waste Management.

Our model is based on bridging the information, market, finance, and agriculture technology gaps that have been the biggest challenges to high agricultural productivity amongst smallholder farmers in the region.

Why did we begin our journey?

In Kenya, Just like in other countries in Africa, Over 70% of people live in rural areas and rely on agriculture as their main or only source of income. Most of these farmers face lots of challenges in attaining high yields and good quality produce. 

Some of these challenges include changing climatic conditions, lack of access to markets, threats from pests and diseases, high cost of farm inputs, and limited access to current agricultural information. All these challenges have been key hindrances to farmers feeding their families and escaping poverty. 

Inspired by our desire to ensure we achieve a poverty and hunger free society, we began training farmers about current agricultural practices. We also acknowledge that the Youth make up a significant proportion of the working population in Kenya and across Africa but more than 60% of them are unemployed. 

Agriculture offers significant opportunities to end poverty and Youth unemployment. Nonetheless, Agriculture is not attractive to many youths and most of them seek white-collar jobs.

 At Wing Farm, we are a Youth-led NGO and most of our volunteers are farmers and have vast experience in Agriculture.  We plan to use current technologies and Social media to reach and teach more youth about Agriculture and how to end poverty and hunger in Africa.

Statistics show that about 75% of Africa’s population comprises the youth. In addition, It is estimated that by 2050, Africa will account for about 30 percent of people aged between 15 and 24 years.

This raises the question of whether our beloved continent is ready to accept the responsibility of managing the lives and the future of the majority of the world’s youth. 

At Wing Farm, we believe Agriculture holds the key to securing a good future for our youth. This is because the World population is increasing and so is the demand for food. Therefore, there are many opportunities in agriculture to be tapped.

Nonetheless, with decreasing arable land as a result of climate change and human action, achieving this is a big challenge. That is why Wing Farm is dedicated to training farmers in sustainable and ethical ways of doing agriculture.

What we offer 

  • We train smallholder farmers on modern agricultural practices to enable  them to get more yields with limited resources
  • We train farmers on financial and farm management skills to help them plan and budget their finances well.
  • We research the applicability of sustainable farming practices that can help farmers to reduce the cost of production in their farms.
  • We research and offer agricultural extension services to farmers concerning the various livestock enterprises.
  • We promote the adoption of farming enterprises that are profitable and also ensure farmers are food and nutrition secure.
  • We support farmers with market linkages for their products.
  • We conduct Youth targeted online training on how to make a living from agriculture. This is to ensure that agriculture is attractive to the youth.
  • We promote sustainable agriculture and train farmers on environmental sustainability.

Our Core Values

Wing Farm is committed to ending hunger and improving the welfare of smallholder farmers. We have a moral duty to provide farmers with tailor-made solutions that enable them to improve their livelihoods. We are guided by the following ethos: 

  • Service to Community
  • Accountability
  • Innovativeness
  • Sustainability 
  • Impartiality

Our partners

Wing Farm works in partnership with various organizations and volunteers, to achieve its goals. Currently, we are working with Illucens Protein Solutions to train farmers on how to rear Black Soldier flies. We are also working with Ihalala Uganda on educating our society on how to end poverty and hunger through agriculture. 

Support or Join Us

If you would like to support our cause, you can do so by volunteering in our various programs. You can also support through donations. All donations received by the organization are used further our goals and to reach more farmers in rural settings. Let’s change the narrative “End poverty and hunger”

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