Who Are We

Who are we - Wing Farm

Wing Farm is a not-for-profit organization operating in Kenya that began following the continuous rise in poverty levels and the high cost of living. The high cost of living has sparked the interest of young professionals who feel obliged to do everything possible to help Kenyans out of the shackles of poverty. At Wing Farm, seasoned and vastly experienced agricultural extension officers and livestock farming professionals have teamed up to help farmers earn a living by improving their farm output. Wing Farm emerged as a joint idea from like-minded individuals concerned with the plight of our vulnerable population, the increase in unemployment, and the realization that agriculture is the answer to poverty and youth unemployment.

Our Model

We train livestock farmers to adopt modern agricultural practices to boost agricultural productivity, increase food security and improve rural livelihood. We have successfully trained farmers through our dairy and poultry farming extension campaigns. Wing Farm continues to offer training to registered groups and individual members of society in the spirit of improving agricultural production. At Wing Farm, we provide the best agri-business models to help you estimate profits based on the livestock they decide to keep. Our focus has been poultry, dairy, and aquaculture (fish) farming.

Our Work

We welcome volunteers with professional inputs and ideas that would help improve our noble course. So far, our volunteers have offered professional assistance and expertise in enhancing livestock rearing practices, predicting possible output, breeding, and artificial insemination (AI) education to improve the high breed vigor for Kenyan farmers. In poultry farming, we continue to offer training on rearing chicken for eggs (layers), meat (broilers), and valuable inputs on increasing the profitability for Kienyeji (indigenous chicken) farmers. We link farmers with the best market for their products, such as milk and eggs. For daily farmers, we connect our farmers with the best buyers for their milk and suggestions on banking that will help them use the profits to improve their livelihoods. For the chicken farmers, Wing Farm connects chicken farmers with the best hatchers for the best quality of day-old chicks for both layers and boilers. We also train them on the best marketing strategies to improve sales for their end products, such as meat and eggs.

At Wing Farm, we are unique in that we run a transparent process with thorough auditing of the resources we direct to training efforts and other financial-related courses despite being a not-for-profit organization. We depend on volunteers and personal funds to facilitate our noble practice. So far, we have transformed the lives of over a thousand low-income farmers and turned them into middle earners. By improving livestock production, we have boosted the health of our communities by providing a sustainable source of protein.

For this reason, we continue to eradicate poverty while combating food insecurity among rural communities sustainably. Better nutrition help eliminate malnutrition and conditions such as Kwashiorkor and Marasmus that have been prevalent in Kenya. Nevertheless, we recognize that our progress has been painstakingly low, with the lack of funds being the primary impediment. We welcome donors, government grants, and other for-profit organizations to join us through corporate sponsorship to help create an enterprising economy by creating employment for youths and vulnerable populations.

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