waste Management Program

Zero Waste Project WingFarm

Waste Management

WingFarm Organization recognizes the need to support local authorities and communities in tackling the growing challenge of municipal solid waste management and contribute to a circular economy.

WingFarm launched the #ZeroWaste Program to address the increasing municipal waste management crisis. Waste from homes, markets, businesses, and institutions is thrown on the streets, in drains, dumped next to communities, or openly burnt. Not only does this make our cities unsightly and unattractive to tourists and investors, it also leads to flooding, air and water pollution, diseases, and respiratory and other health problems. The urban poor are the most affected. Waste management operations account for a significant proportion of city budgets, but financing for waste management remains inadequate.

our main goals

The Zero Waste Program aims to effectively tackle the waste management problem when regarding waste as a resource, also contributing to reducing global Green House Gas emissions and local air pollution. Using Black Soldier Larvae, WingFarm aims to convert approximately 5 tonnes of market waste from 5 markets around Nairobi, Kiambu, and Nakuru into animal protein and organic fertilizer (Frass). 

The program objectives are:

join our cause

Just $40 is enough to train 5 Black Soldier Fly farmers and provide them with our BSF farming starter pack.

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extension services

We are dedicated training and offering consultancy, in modern agriculture...


Climate smart agriculture

We offer free consultancy in farm waste management practices

Why Agriculture?

Youth participation in agriculture is vital in reducing poverty & hunger

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