Our Work

“One day our grandchildren will go to museums to see what poverty was like.” Let's make it happen.

Our work area


Economic development

We work with smallholder farmers to identify opportunities that increase their standards of living, creating solutions to local challenges such as hunger and poverty.
Farmer watering crops due to drought

Community Resilience

We work to promote the identification and dissemination of climate smart technologies and innovations that enhance community resilience.
Working to improve food systems

Food Security

We work to promote the development and adoption of appropriate technologies and innovations to increase food production among rural communities.
WingFarm members training farmers in Githunguri


Youth Entrepreneurship in Agribusiness Project (YEAP.ke) aims to improve the livelihoods of unemployed rural youth through agriculture and agriculture-based enterprises.

Waste Management

To support local authorities and communities in tackling the growing challenge of municipal solid waste management and contribute to a circular economy.
Agro produce

Market Access

We work to promote identification and dissemination of technologies and innovations that enhance access to markets and reduce post-harvest loses.

Our Model

We support rural communities and youth as they mobilize and envision an economically sustainable future through capacity building, partnerships, and advocacy.


Our Programs & Projects

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we've trained 780+ farmers to adopt sustainable agricultural practices