Dairy Farming Training in Kenya

Dairy farming training in Kenya

Wing Farm in collaboration with its partners has developed Dairy Farming Training in Kenya an extension and advisory program designed to help individuals who want to venture into or improve their dairy farms. The goal of Dairy Farming Training is to help dairy farmers become more self-reliant and to train dairy trainers so that they can expand their training skills and dairy knowledge. 

Practical Dairy Farming Training​ in Kenya

Wing Farm offers a 2-day practical training course on several Wing Farm licensed training farms. The training provides farmers with insights on essential factors affecting the success of a dairy farm. The course balances technical, environmental, and business-focused information to ensure the farmers understand the importance of the balance of the critical areas and understands modern farm practices.

Farmers get to experience dairy farming in the field and learn on the job. This training is more observational, relating the classroom lectures to the farm area and real-life situations. At the end of the Dairy Farming Training, farmers will understand dairy farming and be able to work in a professional setting within the industry. 

Dairy Farming newbies will have an idea of what they need to learn and prepare before starting a dairy farm. Farmers and trainees will get to relate their freshly taught skills to real-life farming situations, among other great implications.

Farmers attending the training will spend 60% of their time on practical ‘ hands-on’ farm activities in training facilities. The remaining 40% of their time will be used to explain the theoretical background and facilitate group discussions. Every farmer will be provided with writing material.

Wing Farm Dairy Farming Training in Kenya is unique as it explains all steps in the dairy farming process so that farmers understand what it takes to manage a farm. We teach:

  • Feeding and nutrition of dairy cows
  • Napier grass management
  • Housing of dairy cows
  • Calf rearing
  • Milk hygiene and milk technique
  • Health of dairy cows, with submodules on mastitis,  tick fever, worms, vaccinations and pneumonia
  • Fertility and breeding
  • Farm record keeping

The cost for the 2-day Dairy Farming Training in Kenya is free.

If you like to get trained or like to partner with us, please contact Us: +254 702469357 /  info@wingfarm.org 

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