economic empowerment

economic empowerment

A tenth of the global population lives on less than a dollar a day against the desired 1.95 dollars. The majority of poor people living in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) earn their livelihoods mainly from agriculture. Therefore, economic empowerment in the agricultural sector is considered one of the most effective strategies to reduce poverty. Ending poverty is a global priority, as envisaged in the first Sustainable Development Goal [SDG], the aspiration of the African Union’s 2063 agenda. At the local level, the Kenya Vision 2030 promotes equity (Government of Kenya 2007).

Gender inequality exacerbates poverty, with the literature showing significant gender disparities in various aspects, including labour markets and decision-making. For instance, Folbre (2014) shows that unpaid work for women can be as high as 69% of their total work, compared to 28% for men. On average, women earn 23% less than men due to the patriarchal system in Africa, which prevents women from owning land, especially through inheritance.

According to FAO, if women had similar access to productive assets as men, their agricultural yields would increase by up to 30%. This would reduce the number of hungry people by up to 150 million globally. Despite the existing gender biases against women, they contribute 47% of the farm labour force in Sub-Saharan Africa. 

At WingFarm, we believe ending poverty and hunger and poverty begins with economic empowerment to attain economic growth through interventions such: Inclusive extension services; awareness creation on climate change, adaptation, mitigation, and building community resilience; research and promotion of appropriate technologies and innovations to increase agricultural production and productivity

our main goals

The project goal is to improve the livelihoods of poor rural communities in the target counties: Nyandarua, Murang’a, Kiambu, Nakuru, and Isiolo. It is expected to benefit around 10,000 rural households. The development objective of the program is to economically empower households living in poverty to reduce income inequality and improve the livelihoods. In particular, the program aims to improve the following:

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extension services

We are dedicated training and offering consultancy, in modern agriculture...

Dairy farming training in Kenya

Sustainable farming

We are dedicated to training smallholder farmers and responding to their concerns.

Youth in Agriculture?

Youth participation in agriculture is vital in reducing poverty & hunger

Be part of a diverse community of people committed to regenerative agriculture to end poverty and  hunger.