Is Black Soldier Farming Profitable?

Black Soldier Fly Farming Training - Wing Farm

Is Black Soldier Farming Profitable? Black soldier fly farming has become one of the most profitable agricultural endeavors today. Many farmers in the world are adopting this farming methodology due to the advantages it offers. For instance, the black soldier fly has a rapid reproduction cycle and a high concentration of proteins.

Consequently, this phenomenon has numerous benefits; for instance, it supports food production and reduces the cost of animal feeds. Furthermore, the insects are useful in developing environmentally friendly fertilizers, which help to increase food production. Black soldier farming has the potential to change the world due to its influence on food security, the environment, and income.

Impact of Black Soldier Farming on Food Security

Black soldier farming has the potential to deal with the problem of food insecurity that currently threatens the horn of Africa. The insects are suitable for food production due to several reasons. First, the black soldier flies have a rapid reproduction cycle, thus making them ideal for farming. During the breeding stage, the eggs of black soldier flies are placed vertically in a container filled with compost. Notably, if the temperatures are high, the eggs will hatch in two or three days. After the eggs have hatched, the larvae take 16-18 days to turn into pupae.

Figure 1. Life cycle of black soldier fly (BSF) in a commercial setup.

The total cycle of the fly lasts, approximately, 5 to 6 weeks (Fig. 1). It starts with the oviposition of, approximately 400 to 800 eggs, after which the female dies. Four days later, the first larva stadium hatches; they are a few mm long and voracious. They continue growing for 12 to 14 days, provided they are under suitable environmental conditions and with a good organic substrate. At the end of this period, the larva enters the pupa stadium, which ends in 2 or 3 weeks-time, with the emergence of a fly.

In general, BSF larvae contain high levels of crude protein (above 33 %). Compared to a soybean meal (SBM) of the same protein content (44%), the amino acid profiles are quite similar. Shumo et al (2019) found that the amino acid profile of BSF larvae was superior to the FAO specifications for SBM and sunflower, with methionine levels also above the FAO standards for fishmeal. If, as SBM, BSF meal was to be defatted, the percentage of protein will increase up to 60%, with a superior amino acid composition.

As highlighted, black soldier insects prefer growing in waste; thus, in their larvae stage, they effectively break down the organic waste to create a clean, odorless compost. Consequently, this composted manure can be used as low-cost fertilizer to foster crop production. In addition, when the insects are dried, they can also be used on the farm as fertilizer. To improve food security, farmers must be provided with quality, low-cost inputs for food production, highlighting the importance of the black soldier flies.

Black soldier fly farming as a sustainable animal feed

On the other hand, black soldier fly larvae can help lower the cost of animal feed. The insects offer farmers an alternative and sustainable choice for animal feeds due to their high protein nutritional content . During their larvae stage, black soldier flies are most active and gain weight quickly; therefore, they can be harvested, dried, and processed to become animal feed for chickens, pigs, and fish. Since the insects can be reared at a low cost, the price of animal feed will reduce; thus, farmers can keep more animals, a phenomenon that helps minimize the impact of food insecurity worldwide.

Impact of Black Soldier Farming to the Environment

The modern world has been affected by environmental pollution, especially the waste disposal mechanisms adopted by society members. Nevertheless, farming the black soldier insects is the first step in ensuring a healthier generation in the future. During their larvae stage, the insects eat food wastes, including rotten foods, vegetables, and fruits. Afterward, the insects quickly convert the materials into proteins which are then passed on to animals and humans. In this case, since the insect takes a short time to develop, it can be used at damp sites to aid in decomposing the organic waste materials, thus protecting the environment

Black soldier fly larvae are essential in producing environmentally friendly fertilizers, so farmers can avoid using harmful chemicals. Furthermore, black soldier flies cannot spread diseases compared to other insects, such as houseflies; thus, this phenomenon helps maintain community members’ health. On the other hand, black soldier farming greatly influences entrepreneurship.

Poverty Alleviation

Black soldier farming can ensure that families in rural areas earn a healthy income, alleviating them from poverty. The insects take a short time to reproduce; hence a farmer can make sales twice each month. Furthermore, farming the black soldier flies is not costly or time-consuming; thus, farmers can work part-time. In addition, drying and packaging the insects is not challenging; therefore, farmers can perform this procedure themselves. Lastly, black soldier flies are helpful in biowaste processing and creating fertilizers; hence these are products that the farmer can sell for a profit. Based on the information highlighted, it is evident that farmers in rural areas have the potential to generate wealth from black soldier farming.

In conclusion, black soldier farming is a practice that many organizations in the world are championing due to the immense benefits that it offers society. First is ensuring that the impact of food insecurity is minimized. In this case, the insect has high protein content and can be used as animal and human food. In addition, the insects help to create fertilizers at a low cost; thus, this improves food production by farmers. On the other hand, the black soldier flies help to maintain the environment by breaking down organic waste. Furthermore, farming these insects guarantees farmers in rural areas a healthy and constant income.

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